Management Liability for Not-for-Profit Organisations

Management Liability for Not-for-Profit Organisations

Australia has about 60,000 registered not-for-profit organisations, according to the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC). There’s a huge diversity of types and areas covered including education, social welfare, health, religion, culture, human...
Tips for Medical Practice Risk Management

Tips for Medical Practice Risk Management

Australians think of medical providers as their front-line defence for health issues, but who’s helping those healthcare practices to stay ‘healthy’? This article is a guide on sector-specific risk management to help protect your business. Healthcare practices’ risk...
3 Applications of AI That Could Change Your Ag Business

3 Applications of AI That Could Change Your Ag Business

As an emerging technology, artificial intelligence (AI) offers a lot of potential – as well as risks – for Australia’s agricultural sector. This article details three ways to harness AI that could transform your farming operations. How demands on farmers are changing...
Product Liability Cover: Why Your Business Needs It

Product Liability Cover: Why Your Business Needs It

Myths abound among small-to-medium-sized businesses about the need for product liability insurance and its coverage. But it’s not just for mistakes or products that break or malfunction. An insurance industry report has found almost half of business owners surveyed...